Saturday, August 4, 2012

FRG Meeting

Dear Spouses and Family Members,

Please join us for a Family Readiness Group meeting at the Battalion Classroom on Monday, August 6 at 1800 (6pm).
This time together will give you a chance to meet your service member's coworkers and family members as well as the command team!  We will also have a Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC) available to share special resources available to you as the loved one of a soldier.

 On the agenda for this meeting:
Introduction of Command Team and FRG Leaders
Unit Training Calendar
MFLC Presentation
Event Planning 
...and last but not least....PIE IN THE FACE!  (Please bring a couple dollars for a chance to put a whipped cream pie in the face of your favorite member of command or FRG leader!!!  Proceeds will be deposited into the FRG account for future activities.)

We want your ideas and input.  This is your FRG.  We are here to serve you and our paratroopers!  If we all work together, we will grow into a strong network of support.
We will also have potluck dinner.  Please feel free to bring your favorite dish to share!  Beverages and table service will be provided.

After the meeting, you are welcome to stay and help put together care packages for our deployed service members. :)

Hope to see you Monday!
Michelle Davidson and Savoy King

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